„Mut ohne Klugheit ist Unfug, und Klugheit ohne Mut ist Quatsch!“ — Erich Kästner

Age 28, Male

Electronics Engineer

Earth, Solar System

Joined on 12/30/09

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games, bro

the satisfying feeling when you finish it

take shit and eat a small bit of it then pray to anofilyes so it will give you supercancer dat makes you want to finish stuff before you die cause you die liek now get it?

I have the same problem, dude.

its not that important to finish what you started, the real point is

Generally it's not a matter of motivation, as every project becomes a pain about half way through. It's more about just pushing through the crappy times and working even when it feels like a chore, knowing that it'll be worth it in the end :)

Yeah I guess you're right there, I should think that my work will worth something.

I have the same problem. I've got projects from years ago that I've still yet to finish. Everything I start always get finished eventually, though... even if it takes years lol.

For me, inspiration strikes when I'm fooling around in FL and have some sort of breakthrough. For example, I'll create some cool effect and realize that it can be used in my unfinished project. If I'm lucky, it will lead to a fuckfest of productivity and cum-filled, creative juice waterfalls!

Later on, I jack the fuck off. Hard.

Just start.

Whatever it is, just start. Even if it's just a mockup of a game idea or a song. Just paint it on the screen really quickly. Get the idea out of your head onto a feasible surface as fast as you can. You'll realize how awesome it is and want to realize it to its fullest potential at that point. Just listen to some awesome music, talk to other people who share the same passion, and tell your friends about what kind of awesome stuff you're creating.

Just vomit something rough out and you'll find yourself automatically working to make it better because you just love to be creative naturally. Good luck sir

Thanks for the boost Starogre

Don't worry, you'll get it. It's just a feeling that cums naturally. You're only 14 and you're programing games. When I was 14 you know what I did?

The fact that you only get one life to live.

So you might as well live it up right.



One things called- weed.

Seriously? People like you should be striped of their talents. Just to think that I would be able to have awesome Newgrounds submissions, I wouldn't stop working! The problem is that unlike you, I don't have talent.

The motivation is the awesome product that results.

Enjoying it.

On a similar note I find it hard to draw when I'm thinking about technicalities, though I find it easy when I just start drawing anything (even if it's not good) and from there I find I get motivated and draw better. Probably because I then start using the right side of my brain instead of the left.

The cure to not doing anything is doing something :)

Heh, I used to dominate more the right side of the brain when I was younger and I made some really good drawings but I switched to the left and found it much better and also took me to the programming side. :)

The motivation is money, but more important is the passion, if you do not have the passion will always lose interest! (do you remember?)

I think that when you are motivated by money, you're not going anywhere, the true motivation is like what you are doing - kinda what you said now. Usually most of the people who are only interested in the money just create crap things.

If you can't get any motivation, that means you need to rest. When I couldn't get myself doing anything creative, I stopped trying to, didn't even think about it until it was like BAM and I ran off continuing whatever I was doing. If you rest from work for 1-2 weeks, you'll be able to work later.

Maybe the problem with me is that I'm always working in Flash, the entire day, so it mighty be doing me work so much on something until it starts to get boring and lose my interest. Thanks for the comment :).

Yeah, people who make stuff for money are the people who impress thousands of people with their rip-offs and unoriginal/generic pieces of crap.

When I find it hard to continue a song, I listen to what I have so far. I don't look at what I still need to do but what I've done. Then I think of what to do to continue it from there, and I try to do a small amount of work on it everyday. If I stop working on it for days then chances are that I will never continue working on it.

"Yeah, people who make stuff for money are the people who impress thousands of people with their rip-offs and unoriginal/generic pieces of crap."


"When I find it hard to continue a song, I listen to what I have so far. I don't look at what I still need to do but what I've done. Then I think of what to do to continue it from there, and I try to do a small amount of work on it everyday. If I stop working on it for days then chances are that I will never continue working on it."

hmmm, never saw such idea before like, generally when I'm working at something, I imagine everything I could add and just to think to do every stuff I lose my interest then maybe looking at what I'm currently doing and also what I made, could help.

Thanks for the tips Steph. :).