Wow, this art is immensely impressive, the details of it, over the awesome coloring and creativity are from a natural professional artist, the light inside this picture was one of my favorites, because it have all realistic ways of clear and brightness, you can see on the buildings or places next, like the parks, the yellow brightness light-up from the blasts shot out by the spaceships. A thing that did my eyes be also hipnotized was the details with light and coloring from the clouds in the horizon, you can see that is sometime before become a new day, in a morning, like in that kinds where they represent by a rooster singing on a barn. The drawings is amazing, the lines are really smooth and you can see all on details with perfect curves, an example is in the middle of the two fires, on the destroyed wall, the lines are perfect. The trees look like mushrooms, but I know that the true intention of it was to turn the ships looks like giant spaceships over the city to look so small, like helpless people running from the imminent strike. Looking through the full size screen, you can see all the awesome details that you placed, like the pieces of destruction from the blasts explosions, the stop sign, the road details, also you can see on the "radioactive factory", like a garbage decompressor. The tridimensional position of the buildings are really realistic, also for curved lines, the clouds are really smooth and cute and the blur effect that you placed on them are really good, also for the sky looking like a polluted sky, the blue~grey painting was very interesting, other thing that was really cool by full size, is the traffic light that you did, it's a perfect construction. Man, really, keep with your awesome work, you're a natural born artist and your painter was amazing. Vote 5 and score 10.
~Review Request Club~