
31 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 37 Reviews


Your classical submission was one of the most cool orchestral/classical songs I ever heard! I liked how this seems like a patriot theme, this is combine in all 100% ways with a war movie or patriotical film as I said, every instruments are in your defined synchroinzing, everything estabilished, the rythim was awesome, just I think maybe your drums could be a bit better, because it looks like a popcorn during the intro, more to the song of your audio piece, it looks like more a real military drum.

Now for the topics list:

"The Journey" was an interesting name, what did this song really catch and insteresting during it's perform. But, by 'Journey' it reminds me some space adventure, what most reminds me on this, are like World War II movies or Civil War ones. If this is be to refered to space, this can reminds me the astronauts backing to an outer space mission and being honoured and then with the flag behind, it would fit a lot with all your compose, so your name was a great choosing. Nice job!

Your concept looks like one of the most detailed I have ever listen to, if you see, I imagined into Second World War movies, patrotical films, space/astronauts/universe movie and also reminds me in some places shipbattle movies, I can write an all book with all the things I imagined during listen to your awesome orchestral soundtrack. I already heard a lot of symphonic orchestras and classicals, but this one is the first one I can imagine so much things, usually I imagine one background through a story, but yours I imagined like ten ways of telling a tale or a storyboard, please do more good like these ones, you're rare man, keep your brilliant work!

The percussion during parts as 01:40, is pretty good were the drums seems to play everything correct, but look in the intro from the melodies, during the beginning of the song, they looked like popcorns or some kind of fingers easily beating in a table, they don't look at all like drums, this WAS the ONLY bad thing in this audiotrack, else it would be a 10. Combined with other instruments as the 'patriotic times', it is really perfect, also keep the nice job, just try to add more good sounds to the percussion!

The instruments are amazing for an orchestral piece, because it used my favorite ones, sorry I'm saying instruments were not used here, but I think are trombones, trumpets, percussion bell, drums (of course), fiddles/violins, cello and maybe a french horn. Everything sounds so perfect! The rythim from this one was one of the most and more cool things I have ever listen to in a classical song in ALL MY LIFE, I never heard to great-rythim classical art piece, this should be published to all the ENTIRE WORLD, try to sell it on shops, internet or whatever, please. The sounds as I said loads of time here, reminds me the war movies and honor times, is so good how with trumpets you create a scene like that, I'm impressioned with all your effort into this, and please, if you create another classical song, don't forget to PM me, I want to listen a lot more from your brilliant orchestral songs, your song looks like honour-action-squadron movement-patriotic-heroic-honour, it fits all together, also I never found so good syncronizing in all my life (as I said loads of times here). Also you made me obssessed to listen to this song, is so good.

One of the most brilliant symphonic orchestras I ever heard with an awesome composing and with the MOST BRILLIANT CONCEPT I EVER FOUND IN ALL MY LIFE, so perfect rythim and good quality into this song, perfect attachments too, instruments were well choosen, please do more from classical!

Thanks for let me listen to this awesome soundtrack!
I hope people use your audio in their movies/games!
I added to my favorites list!!

I gived you a 9 score, just because I think you could have done something more in the 'popcorn' drums, they looked not so good.

Vote 5
4.22 / 5.00 (+ 0.052)
Score: 9/10
~Review Request Club~

EagleGuard responds:

Wow, that's one huge-ass review xD

First of, thanks for the compliments! I'm really flattered. I didn't think anyone would like it THAT much =p

About the drums, yeah... I know now that I should've paid more attention to them, as the guy before you stated as well. I didn't think they were that important, guess I was wrong. Will try to improve it in my next song though ;)

Not sure if I'm good enough to actually sell my stuff to the world at this moment, although I will try to do so in the future.

Glad you liked the song, I spent quite some time trying to get it to sound right. Glad it worked out OK =)

Again, thanks for the awesome review. Will do my best to improve ;)

Nice for an experiment!

That is a pretty good song, all the sounds are perfect syncronized, the effects and beatings are cool. For a 8-Bit song and also EXPERIMENT, this was really amazing, what I principally liked was the song background, I mean the percussion with the effects, everything was pretty cool, I just think, some of your transitions were not so well performed. My favorite part from all the song is the "lowing event" during 01:00, I like how the music seems to be falling like into a hole and growing up again.

The percussion you did was pretty cool, I think this is your dubstep part, but for some reason, they sound a little "non-configured", they seem to be not completing the sound waves at all, if you understand me.

I would like to see you doing a fade out in the end of the song, it looked weird, when just stop all the audio and keep that silence, and after little seconds, the song return to play, but, no need to a fade in, the intro melody-transition was one of the most cool things.

The idle part after the "lowing event" was also cool, the way you did the event look it was moving like a pivot or a tornado into the sides from a hole and finally falling in it, and when the music back, he estabilished in some place.

The instruments you choosed were a nice, this audio track remins me that pixel games intro song, I hope someone use your sound in their games or movies, because this was great.

I liked how random the sounds play through the playback, because they seems to change in certain parts, like in the intro, looks relaxing, than becomes with more percussion than change to idle, and begins to low and establish, after this it grows up and join another kind of event rythim and add some good efects.

Nice job!
Thanks for let me listen to it! ;)

Vote 4
3.65 / 5.00 (+ 0.042)
"Nice for an experiment!"

~Review Request Club~

KieranNG responds:

The non-configured part was actually an attempt at those sick off-beat melodies that are in alot of dubstep songs.

The true genre with random rare percussion!

This song was pretty cool, the effects you did are one of the best ever, the drums beating (percussion) is excellent, the rythim amazing, the soundings were great, to be seriously almost everything. I liked how you give rythim through your melodies and transitions, you really should be proud from this amazing audio piece, now for the topics list:

For "Ignition" this looks like more to a kind of a "dance fever" from the people dancing as your genre says through "dance song". So, in my opnion would be this, like in an event, sorry if what I'm thinking is so stupid, because I never listen these kinds of genre much, I'm more fascinated with the symphonic orchestras and classical songs. Well, my opnion and mind says this.

Your concept reminds me that shows were is a lot of people like teenagers or becoming adult people in that kinds of party and with a stage, with open area, like a open concert, not closed in the sides, in a night, with a lot of light effects placed, also you placed the people effects what turned it looks really more in what I'm thinking from this. And this seems to have a lot of eletrical illusions-FX.

The percussion from it looks really good because it is not repetitive and the most interesting point is that this audio is rare comparing the other audios, the sound beating are random, like, it is a set of variety, during the intro of the song, it is an "growing up" event and when it is opening the melody it is like an electro-techno effect, and when comes the intro transition, it sounds like that made special FX, and during 00:40, this turns in a true effect, if you understand what I mean and after this close, this turns really intro a drum beating, so this point was a really cool one from your song. And after it changes to a common beat and after this produce a "chaingung running" beating, like a really fast beat. Please, produce more songs with these kind of percussion, does long time now that I don't find a beat randomizing like yours, nice job!

The instruments you choosen did for your song really looks like a 'pop', 'techno' or 'dance' genre song, I believe they are keyboards, drums and maybe a bass, these ones really combine with your genre. The rythim as I did in the percussion, was random, but this is the way from a dance song, you really can produce good ones from this, I don't listen to these genres, but I see a lot of these audio in Flashs, so I remember how they sound. Nice job!

Every instruments were ok, rythim pretty good, percussion is rare! Just remains some more playing through the intro transition, I found this was a little poor, but everything else AWESOME!

Vote 5
3.67 / 5.00 (+ 0.063)
"The true genre with random rare percussion!"

~Review Request Club~

Assios responds:

Wow, thanks for an awesome review!!! Glad you liked the percussion! :) And wow, you really wrote a really good and detailed review!! Thanks! :D

Everything PERFECT, except the loudness from vocal

This music was really cool, by all his effects, percussion, instruments, vocal singings, the only problem I found in this, is that the effect-voice from the woman, in a part was a bit distorted, but I'm not meaning the effect, I mean it was incorrect in a part from the intro melody, for the transition to the growing up sounds, oh... and adding to the problems list that didn't gaved up a 10, is that the sounds have some kind of "strong loudness", maybe try to leave the song in a better program, it looks like a bunch of bees.

Now to the topics list:
"Midnight, Call" is an interesting name, is something refered to your song lyrics? Sorry, english is not my native language, so listening from ear, is hard to understand what the woman is singing, so please, leave the lyrics in the author comments, this would turn much more easier for people like me. Sorry for don't review good at all this topic ='(

The percussion is one of the most cool things from this audio piece, it seems really cool and don't seems repetitive, what was a really nice thing, and according to the rythim do it sounds pretty cool, I also like when beneath the drums add something like an another drum or another event from the drum beating, it was pretty cool, and remove it after a time, also turned this non-repetitive, so I think you're really good in this part. Keep up the nice work!

The instruments you choosed were pretty good, they remember me that songs from the changing beetween 1990 decade to 2000 decade, it was pretty good, this turned it really AMAZING for remember us from these times, I don't compose musics and I don't listen to pop musics, I just listen to symphonic orchestras or classical, but I think the instruments you choosed are keyboard, maybe a bass, drums and maybe a guitar, nice choose! The rythim from the music was a really good thing, as I said in percussion, it doesn't looks repetitive or boring, it was pretty cool, I like when the sounds grow up in volume like 01:40, it was really awesome to listen and the sounds in the background around 01:46~01:55, is one of the most cool things ever to listen here! I love these kinds of "growing up" effect, nice job!

The effects from the vocal were the only thing what did I give you a 8 =( I think the only problem here is the "bzzzz" sounding from the song, else, it would be perfect, if you don't want to install another software/program, please just buy a trial or something and export your song, it would be awesome give you a 10. Everything is so perfect here!

Vote 5
4.25 / 5.00 (+ 0.14)
"Everything PERFECT, except the loudness from vocal"

Thanks for let me listen to this!
Sorry for my grammar mistakes.

~Review Request Club~

Sawdust responds:

Thanks man! Just one thing: I sang on this, not a woman. I processed my vocals, that's all.

Funny content!

Hey Coop, nice story hehe, I found really funny when you said:
"(...), which was a great idea in the first place, until everybody got drunk.", haha I laughed for some minutes here. Other part that I really laughed was when you said:
"I guess at the end of the day, what I really want to say is congratulations, Dave, you've got a name that people can pronounce, even when they're drunk, which is a nice little achievement, because when some people are drunk, they still go on and call me Co-op :P"

HAHAHAHA, I laughed about it was like an achievement, because just drunk you got to say this thing of Shalashaska or something xD.

And is a really nice story to tell about the Newgrounds London Meet Up, and also you're english... This shows us something from what you guys did there, because some people as me, didn't had the chance to go there, so more than see just pictures, we can have an idea for understand how this place is, and this looked like a mess haha, everyone drunk, hardcore names spelling, a guy like crying and some other things :P

I read the review under this one, that your microphone was new and a little CRACK-ING, but I didn't found this interrupting something in the voice acting, but sometimes when you speak, you can't hear the word you say because the little mic booms, also, the good, is that you placed the script in the author comments, this really turned your audio more easily to understand, because english is not my native language.

Vote 4
3.67 / 5.00 (+ 0.0061)
"Funny content!"

~Review Request Club~

Coop responds:

I'm glad that you liked my writing, as well as my vocals there - I have a feeling, but I'm not entirely sure, that this was recorded on my old microphone, so it could be redone with the new one, but I quite like it as it is.

I've always seen it as a necessity to add the script to the pieces, as some users might get confused, particularly as I use a lot of heavily accented pieces.

Transitions good, kind of annoying sounds!

This song is pretty cool as parts like 01:55, but I found really annoying these soundings from like a lot of bees as in 01:00.

I liked your intro transition, during 00:10, the sounds were pretty cool, and the sounding in 00:15~00:20, was pretty cool. Your transitions during the song were well made, I liked this kind of alarm sound during 00:50.

01:22, I liked the sounds behind, like these kinds of electro guitar or keyboard, I don't know what exactly is, but I really liked these kind of sounds, the growing up sound before the final transition was also cool.

I think I found these kind of sounds annoying, because my music preferences are symphonic orchestras or classical, but I don't at all Madness, maybe this be that songs were the Clown play.

Nice job in transitions and in some melodies and in choosing of background soundings, good percussion but didn't liked these kinds of old video games sounds.

Well nothing so much to talk about here.
Vote 4
4.31 / 5.00 (- 0.043)
"Transitions good, kind of but annoying sounds!"

~Review Request Club~

superuberinsaneausm responds:

dubstep/dnb is something you have to get used to by listening to it alot, the sounds that you think are bad is whats its accutally what there sopostu sond like.and is english your second language?? got some grammar issues in there.

Sounds great!

Wow, this sounds awesome! I liked the keyboard (I think is a keyboard) sounding was really cool, the flute (I think is a flute) percussion was really cool, the melody from the transition from 00:39 to 00:40 was really cool. But my favorite was the way that the music seems to grow up sometimes, like 00:35, but this can be perfect listen during 00:41-00:45. You did a nice job over this!

Dreamland, is a thing where really match with this piece of audio but I know that this is according with Kirby's Dreamland video game as you said on the Author Comments, the growing effect that I said, was perfect for saying something like a Dreamland.

The concept from this was awesome, it seems to be a mission, level, stage or movie where Kirby is saving someone and helping people and having some congratulations from it as an end of game xD. Well, I never played Kirby, I'm just trying to put according with what this would be, you have created a really good background behind these things, it looks like a greenland, blue skies, cute clouds, points or coins, Kirby player and someone who is rescuing and such. This would be really great as an intro soundtrack for a game or menu, have everything well done with this.

The percussion was really interesting, it is not that repetitive percussions, this sounds like a good FX placed, it matches perfectly with the other sounds, transitions, melodies, harmonies and such. Your percussions sounds like that shell flutes hehe or a bamboo. You did a nice work here.

The effects were AWESOME on this one, I liked the effects that they do like a growing up, I think they are some brass instruments like trombones, or maybe some strings, I don't know, because I don't play or do music and such :P, but your effects are one of the most amazing I've ever seen, nobody was so good as you in this piece, they looks like a transition and if it was a cartoon or game, like a sunshining and a blue background in a hapinnes day, never found so good audio piece with this kind of effects of yours, while listening to an audio like your effects, I love them and I became obssessed listening, as this one, I keep listening this one all the time, so you was really to catch the listener in this. This plays after each six seconds, but never sound something like repetitive, it ever sounds incredible, you really need some good credits here and a good advice, keep like this, people will really like your effects by this way, if you put these kind of growing effects on each song of yours, I'll heard them all lol. A really nice work, job, or everything else here, I already mentioned it here like thousand of times, it is amazing!!

Overally, this was amazing, interesting, not repetitive, good, nice, with great effort and obssessive hehe.
Keep like this!!

Voted 5
1.09 / 5.00 (+ 0.71)
8 votes
Rating: 10/10
Score: 10

*Sorry for any grammar mistakes that I could have done here*.
~Review Request Club~


Stargenx responds:

Wow, thanks for the flattering review. XD

This song is very simple and consists of about 10 tracks. It doesn't loop as well on NG but I've seen very few songs that actually do.

Again, thanks for the review. :)


Nice audio but repetitive....

My favorite from your audio, was the transition from 00:14 to 00:15, the instrument playing was really cool, the effects you used are really nice, but after 00:50~, the audio turns much repetitive, is the same sound playing everytime, like a looping.

I think you should add more instruments as a guitar, violin, bass, whatever, who could match with this piece.

I also liked that sounding what remember like a pivot being released, beetween the transition from 00:59 to 01:00, this FX was interesting, it is a drum plate I think.

Nothing so much to say here.
Add more sounds, FX and change this repetitive listening.
Voted 4
4.34 / 5.00 (- 0.055)
Nice audio but repetitive....

~Review Request Club~

Dj-GST responds:

Thanks for the review.

Yeah, it's a little repetitive, I'll be fixing that in the full version.

For 0:59-1:00, do you mean the crash?

Interesting effects and good melodies

For a video game genre song, this is really good, by the effects used, the kind of guitar and percussion and by the additional generic sounds. The eletric guitar sound was pretty cool and well designed, I mean it's really "mechanical" by the sound from this and it gives the way to think that is a place during the game with more impact or some speed-running, so you did great on the guitar rythim, one thing I don't liked too much is the obssessive percussion, it's so repetitive, maybe you could change it in some times for other rythim, maybe on more slow, other more faster. I also liked a lot the bell effects next to the end of the song, also the flute sounding, did more to sound like a video game song, it remembers me a lot, that classical games, you did a nice job on it. By 02:36 was a really cool transition where several sounds go in one, like something from keyboard, guitar, flute and the percussion, then comes the bell sounds, it was awesome, but the transitions from this song are not so well structered also for the melodies, but I found they more well placed than the transitions, you should better on this. Now for the topics:

"Suicide From", this represents like a suicidal act for the player, like as I said, a speed running for win the level, or maybe challenging a boss, or something really hard, this title is good, but would be better have a different name, but would be just a little better if be "From Suicide", or maybe "Coming to Suicide", then would be a lot more like something more "violent", I mean, showing that is something really hard or a problem.

The concept from this song is really well constructed, like the first seconds of it, would be like the beginning from the gameplay at the level and during the intro of 00:18, you start to find the enemies on your way and more to 00:25, you already can noticed more enemies coming in your way, so turns a lot more with action, the bell during 01:00, represents a good entry for showing that the player is defeating everyone in your way and for 01:20, is like the player walking for some time and then find more enemies. For 02:10, should show some enemies that are more hard to defeat, but in 02:36, he can defeat them, but find more enemies coming through his way, and then he comes for the last part at 03:00, where he find a boss, and the bells does for it, something really challenging and for the music going more faster on 03:15, it seems like the player jumping through the boss, or something and giving the last attack to the enemy and defeating it, and when the music silence at 03:45, we can notice he finishing the level.

The percussion of this was good, but was a bit repetitive, giving a boring company for the other instruments, but they can show a lot of going on gameplay, like in 01:05, the percussion with the company of the guitar does it looks like that is more fast, so we can think about a more challenging part, so you did a nice job on this, but stills you change these repetitive drum sounds. You could add in some parts, a strong drum beating, that would be perfect in the final seconds from the song with the bell FX, then we can see like a great transition for show the player challenging the boss.

The focus of it, in my opnion, was more for the gameplay events, as I said on Concept topic, you can see gameplay intro, first strikes, first waves of enemies, score running, walking, hard enemies and boss, and a great focus was for the guitar to his volume, for the parts where it have more balance or for when like 02:12 that is more for a great "jump" melody. Also the speed-lenght for the sounds was another take of focus, that did it sound like the player running, so you did a nice work on the events produced by the velocity and occupation of the sound.

Song was excellent for a video game song. The flute with guitar did it remember me the classics, so this was good. The percussion was interesting, but I think you should remove some repetitive parts, the "concept" was good.

Score 7, vote 4

Review Request Club

ChaosDragon004 responds:

I understand what your saying definately. As im listening to this song I feel there could have been more transitions in the beat definately. More breakdowns or just an overall beat change. I do feel the song could have had more ballance and I will work on that in the future. I think If I were more patient I could have fixed alot of these things but hey.

I should have definately changed up with a change in melody too. I think I could have impacted the song alot more with a more engaging one.

I would definately like to thank you on the well thought feedback. I feel that you did more than what I expected in feedback and I feel that the review counsel should be glad that they have you in the club. Once again, thanks friend.

After a lot of hard work, a 10 score!

Hey Steph, you really did a lot of work on this song, because to add all the special effects for it, maybe could be hard to find some great ones like that and also the additional effects for it, the transition sounds were great. The most interesting is that the music combine, add on it, 6 kinds of musical genres and of course you did a nice job to do the listener catch the sounds, and was good you say that you did these genres, because we can know more what exactly we did and you preserved the main theme from techno, because as this is for Robot Day would be more easy to people search, also the concept and sounds along the music are all "mechanic", the thing I most liked from this is a special effect on 00:07~00:08, this was really cool, other part I liked a lot was the transition from ambient song to jazz theme, this was well done, the melodies are well prepared with a real touch of good composer through it. I can see that your work yielded a lot, because after days, you can see that people liked from this awesome song. Also the lyrics from it according with the Fro and Nick's intonation did in sometimes the music something really comic and with comedy, also for do a funny thing, you did a nice job. I also laughed a lot when Fro says in the last seconds from the song: "Great, his batteries ran out... now how are we going to win the competition?", haha xD. I also liked the parts when Fro sings like "My name is Ro -- // -- My name is Bot", these words like do a kind of rythim and rhymes for the song, so this was cool. The breakbeat trajectory was really interesting, but I most liked the transition from trance to breakbeat, I felt like I hearding like a wave, this was cool. A thing really funny, was the voices going on slow motion. Now the topics:

"I'm a Robot" of course is the main lyric from the song, and this calls the attention from public to understand that it was made for the Newgrounds's Robot Day Competition, also it's the single talk from the music, and with just single words you could do like a rhyme thing, with cutting the voice like Ro to Bot and putting these words together, (pretty obvious), we will got Robot and this does the song name implicit.

This song have several interfaces from different genres, in an order, this was really cool, generally we find songs of one or two genres in one, now we have a pack of six songs inside one techno song, so it's a good creation. The balance from the songs was awesome, also for transitions from each one and melodies, that in my opnion, was hard to do, because this sounds so great and for control all of it. So for a techno song (also with six other genres in pack) was brilliant, the techno does a calling for it be a robot song, or "mechanical" with like "futuristic sounds" or like a "prototype", you did good on show the listeners your concept.

The percussion from the breakbeat part was really expansive, I mean, sounded like it was in a middle of a big room, with two drums above a table and a guy playing it, so it was interesting, by this sounds like stereo with great muffled sound propagation, the sound from the beginning and along the music was a bit relaxing, it doesn't was like a strong beat, was more just of a touch, and this matches more with a techno song in my opnion, for a strong drum, is better with an orchestral or heavy metal.

The effects were awesome, as I said from the first theory of my criticism, I said that I loved the intro effect and also the laser sounds were pretty good, also for when the music ends, the effects sounded like a television being turned off, they sound really cool. Also, you did some computer effects and also like some spaceships travelling, everything was perfect and cool on it, don't forgetting the blaster shot's sounds. You did great!

I found the central focus from it more on the I'm a robot lyric I think this because, the lyrics don't have a complete sense, but they were very funny. This was really good. After a hard work you deserve score 10 and vote 5.

Review Request Club.

Step responds:

Dear God, Spy, that's definitely the largest review I've ever received O.o. I really can't thank you enough! I mean, you've analysed every microsecond of my song, and I'm really honoured to have received a review this big. Sure, I give out reviews this big all the time, but I'd never actually think I'd get one myself. Thanks a LOT!

I'll try and answer to your review as properly as I can xP.

Well, I'm quite glad people like my transitions, I always like it when people like them. I'm also quite surprised myself that the sound effects came out this good, they're mostly random sounds (woodblock sounds, cricket sounds, kicks, snares, hammer hits, etc...) which I took and edited like crazy to make a robot-y sound. It took a while but I must say that it was definitely worth it.

Actually this isn't the first time I made a song with more than one different genre. Speeding Through Infinity and Racing Through Eternity have Trance and Ambient, Cobra has Rock (drums) and Orchestral, The Ancient Curse has Ambient and Hip-Hop, War Theme has Rock (guitar) and Orchestral, The Forsaken (Electro) [Submitted to my shared account Raven-Guard] has Orchestral and Electro, and of course, Musical Evolution has Drum'n'Bass, Dance, Classical, Techno (Windows XP sounds) and Medieval :P. I love varying genres.

Yeah I agree with you that the transition at 2:43 is probably the best transition in the song, or at least it's my favourite. I don't know which one you're referring to about the 'transition from trance to breakbeat'. If you mean the one at 2:25, then yeah haha that's one of my favourite parts of the song. I'm also happy you enjoyed the melodies; I had the intro melody stuck in my head for days lol.

I agree that Fro and Nick's voices really make the song sound more comical and funny :P. That's our main aim, to make a funny song, but still make it enjoyable.

The 'Great, his batteries ran out, now how are we going to win the competition?' thing was my idea xD.

Now to answer to each topic in your review...

I'll have to thank Fro for inventing 'I'm a Robot'. It's actually a really simple name, but it works quite well in my opinion.

Cool :D. There are a few other songs in the Audio Portal which use more than one genre (dj-Jo's Contingency of Music, for example) but I don't think I've found one which uses as many as in this one xP.

I can't really comment much about the stereo sound of the breakbeat, since as you already know, I'm deaf from one ear and I wouldn't know. I just make the breakbeat, maybe I was lucky enough to get it having cool panning effects :D.

Yep, I didn't make the drums so powerful this time. I don't think they're my best, but this is my first time somewhat glitching drum sounds, so I wouldn't expect too much. Maybe my best drum work would be in The Forsaken (Electro), In a Teardrop or Minutes to Midnight, all found in Raven-Guard's profile.

Thanks! Like I said, a lot of the effects were random sounds I edited lol. Although the 'blaster shot's sounds' were random sounds I found off the Internet :).

I can't really express my gratitude in words. I really have to find some way to repay you; I'll definitely review one of your submissions sometime :D.

Thanks AGAIN for the awesome review!

„Mut ohne Klugheit ist Unfug, und Klugheit ohne Mut ist Quatsch!“ — Erich Kästner

Age 28, Male

Electronics Engineer

Earth, Solar System

Joined on 12/30/09

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