
31 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 37 Reviews

As a General Rock

Wow, the music is really awesome, you combine rock with like a classical and jazz, this was awesome and a touch of classical.

The strong drums was one of the most cool from this, by the percussion, this was great. The guitar was really "enterteining" and was really next to a real guitar on a general rock song, you did a nice job on it.

I can't see any fails or wrongs on this song, is all absolutely amazing, you really did a nice job with this. The concept remains, but as this is for a game, I can't say something bad about it, the percussion was awesome, excellent, the guitar for a rock was brilliant, by the beginning for the final transition, was excellent and I can't forget the strong drums, that sounded great.

Nice job!!
~Review Request Club~

Step responds:

"Wow, the music is really awesome, you combine rock with like a classical and jazz, this was awesome and a touch of classical."

Thanks! I love combining genres. Don't know how you heard jazz in there too though xP.

"The strong drums was one of the most cool from this, by the percussion, this was great. The guitar was really "enterteining" and was really next to a real guitar on a general rock song, you did a nice job on it."

Hmm, yeah, I'm better at percussion than I am at other things. I'll have to thank sorohanro for the guitar sounding real, he made the VST which I used :D.

"I can't see any fails or wrongs on this song, is all absolutely amazing, you really did a nice job with this. The concept remains, but as this is for a game, I can't say something bad about it, the percussion was awesome, excellent, the guitar for a rock was brilliant, by the beginning for the final transition, was excellent and I can't forget the strong drums, that sounded great."

Haha I'm glad you like the drums, and basically everything else too :D. Thanks for another great review!

"Creative for the suspence with perfect balance!"

The music is awesome, by the way, is very similar to "Requiem for a Dream" song, but don't mind, if the author of that song saw your music and thinks that is similar he will think that someone liked it hehe xD.

Ok. The music melodies are really incredible and really interesting, with amazing transitions, the sound is amazing, the sound is really strong, just like a trailer soundtrack, you did a nice job and is a nice work, because this is a produce of like a month and Steph did great on the instrumentation.

The name "In a Teardrop", is a dramatic name, sounds great for this, because is like a drama song, and the most interesting is that we can imagine some sad story behind it, so the name is excellent.

For a dramatic song, this sounds AMAZING and "realistic". The sound came from a shadow and explodes in the light, just seems like this. The strong beat of drums says like some climax for the song or some battle/confront, the sounds from a tea in the beginning are awesome to represent some dark behind everything. Nice job!

Very interesting. Strong notes, you did a nice work on this, they sound really perfect while the other instruments play, so they do together a melody, and then it generates a perfect transition and with the string behind, turns the sound like a real trailer. Nice job too!

The focus on it was great. I throught in something like a bad guy in a dark street hunting a person in every street that he's walking, and then when the drums beat more faster and stronger he strikes the victim, but we can't know what exactly he did, because, we think he robbed, or fired a shot or beated, you did an excellent story behind it.

Interesting song with a well characterized percussion that turns the song in a rythim of suspense and creating an brilliant story behind it. 10 score and a great vote 5 for you!

~Review Request Club~

Raven-Guard responds:

Wow, Spy, that's a long review O.O. Thanks!

"The music is awesome, by the way, is very similar to "Requiem for a Dream" song, but don't mind, if the author of that song saw your music and thinks that is similar he will think that someone liked it hehe xD."

Cool, yeah :P.

"Ok. The music melodies are really incredible and really interesting, with amazing transitions, the sound is amazing, the sound is really strong, just like a trailer soundtrack, you did a nice job and is a nice work, because this is a produce of like a month and Steph did great on the instrumentation."

I'm really glad you think of this as similar to something you'd hear in a trailer. I absolutely love Trailerscore (stuff like With Gun & Crucifix, etc) so thanks :3.

Although it wasn't me who did the instrumentation. Darklight17 did :P. Haha that's like the second time someone thought I did something he did.

The name "In a Teardrop", is a dramatic name, sounds great for this, because is like a drama song, and the most interesting is that we can imagine some sad story behind it, so the name is excellent."

I'll have to thank borntodj167 for that. He thought of 'In a Single Teardrop' and we took away the 'Single'. Glad you like the name.

For a dramatic song, this sounds AMAZING and "realistic". The sound came from a shadow and explodes in the light, just seems like this. The strong beat of drums says like some climax for the song or some battle/confront, the sounds from a tea in the beginning are awesome to represent some dark behind everything. Nice job!"

Well, I don't really understand what you mean by 'the sounds from a tea' :P. If you mean the sound a teapot makes when you hit it with a spoon or something at the beginning, then yeah, that's a xylophone :3. Glad you like it!

Very interesting. Strong notes, you did a nice work on this, they sound really perfect while the other instruments play, so they do together a melody, and then it generates a perfect transition and with the string behind, turns the sound like a real trailer. Nice job too!"

Awesome, thank you. I did the drums xD.

The focus on it was great. I throught in something like a bad guy in a dark street hunting a person in every street that he's walking, and then when the drums beat more faster and stronger he strikes the victim, but we can't know what exactly he did, because, we think he robbed, or fired a shot or beated, you did an excellent story behind it."

Thank you! We always aim at giving our orchestral submissions a story, and that was what we tried to go for. Dark and sinister.

Interesting song with a well characterized percussion that turns the song in a rythim of suspense and creating an brilliant story behind it. 10 score and a great vote 5 for you!"

Awesome, thanks! Really glad you liked it, and thanks for the amazing review!

"Trance Song"

For your first Trance song, this is really good, in fact, the percussion sounds great with some effects, nice job. In my opnion, you should do some improvments in the melodies, like they sound the same every time, so turns the song a little boring, you should try to change for some parts of the song or in some specific time. My favorite part is during 02:20, in that like "classical" part of the song, this was good.

This trance song was very well modeled, with great transitions, good percussion, good effects, I just think that you should change your melodies to a thing not so repetitive, out this, your song was nice. Good luck with your future projects.

~Review Request Club~

BuggMusic responds:

Thank you very much! I will try and make more interesting melodies!

Strongly epic!

This classical is absolutely amazing! You can feel each part of it in your mind, is just epic, the music sounds great, you can have a perfect imagination about all this, to put a King, as the main character from this theme, was a great idea, like a king preparing to attack, strike, in a battlefield with several knights behind him, feeling the war and the fear in the same time, the melodies give you feelings about background and everything, with can add a story.


The name really sounds great, like "King of the Mountains" showing like he's the better and anyone can be more than this, he will be the great one forever. You choosed a good title. Sounds good. The name reminds me a song from a russian compose that is "Nigh on Bald Mountain". Awesome the title.

You can dream with several things on this music, like I thinked on a green grass with some plants on the sides, some blur mountains on the back and in the middle of the scene, a King in a horse with metal things and knights with the same kind of horses, but more simple than the king's one. I also thinked the brave knights with some spears, some with fear from the battle, some with war blood.

One thing that I liked in this song, is the percussion, sounds great because it's so smooth, that seems that is inside from a box, like with no expansion from the sound itself. And also in some parts they remember me percussion bands from the english-american war. Was absolutely great!

You really done the listener a good catch from what happens, kingdons, arenas, enemies, heroes, horses, metal, a brave man (the king), and you really done a good focus through the scenes from the battle during 01:33, that sounds like the heroes advancing through the enemy lines in a blood "defeat" or "victory", we can't know who won this duel, by the end of the song you can have a feeling, in mine the King, won.

The song was really brilliant, don't mind if you thinked that some part is weird or bad, is absolutely fantastic! You're epic! Good one!! I give you 5/5 and a 10 score.



masheenH3ad responds:

I want to let you know that I'm very grateful to you, for choosing my work and give your time to give it a very awesome review.

I always seek for things that needed to improve in this work, In doing so I failed to see what are the strengths and what is the beauty of my work.

It is because of You (having a high level of music appreciation, articulate writing, and being a very good listener), I realized what I needed to realize. You don't know how your review inspired me to create more music.

Thank You Very much!


Impressive! This classical is a greatful one! And really gives us, a dream or thinking, like in mine, was something in the forest, like with animals, thress, fruits and birds flying, a really good relaxing song and really don't mind with the transition during 0:44, this part was cool. Other thing that this song, made me think is something like a river in a artistic background.

My favorite part in all the song, was the new melody during 0:50, absolutely fantastic, or any words that you prefer. Absolutely great! Good job.

I give you 5/5 and a 10 score.
Awesome work!!


Step responds:

Thanks! It's interesting what people can think about when hearing this song. Personally I think the song speaks for itself as an emotion of happiness, although I bet if I added some animal sound effects and a jungle-like soundscape or something along with a few congas, this might sound epic :3.

Yeah I still think I was a bit lazy with the transition at 0:44. It sort of cuts off and then a small kick buildup, when I could find some melodic transition to fit instead xP. Ah well, I'm a lazy person at times :P.

Yep I agree with you, I think the new melody at 0:50 would definitely be my favourite part as well.

Thanks for the great review!

From Space to Universe!

Amazing! I loved the singing voices behind the sound. A cool thing from the song, was that remeber me the space or the universe, like a futuristic sound. The balance from the calm intro to a more action part, was really nice. One of my favorite parts in the song, is during 02:00~2:20 and don't forgetting the intro to 00:00 ~ 01:00.

During, 01:00 remebers me an action scene, like some people running or some adventure, that was great how that sounds like.

To me, this trance, remembers space, universe, action and bunch of speeding, really amazing.

I give you 5/5 and a 10 score.

Step responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm actually surprised someone reviewed this since it's made entirely out of really bad sounds I had to find which came with my music making program xD.

Hehe, glad you like the singing voices (they're choirs :) ). I enjoy adding choirs to my songs, since they not only fit in Classical and Orchestral songs, but even Trance, Dance, Techno and sometimes even Rock.

It's funny you should mention the futuristic or spacey sound. Loads of people have told me that this sounds futuristic and spacey. I was trying to make it sound like that anyway, so I'm happy I succeeded :P.

I'm also really glad you like the intro. I always try to make my intros as interesting as possible. Also, the part at 2:00 - 2:20 was just something I did to try and make the song a little longer, so I never knew people would actually like it xD.

So, glad you like it, and thanks again for the awesome review!


The intro of this song was amazing and also the quality of the sound was pretty good. My favorite part was in 0:12. Good job!!

JeffHeim responds:

thank you! :)

Nice balance!

I loved the introduction of the song, when from a classical and calm part, the music turns into rock. This balance of two kinds of music was brilliant and well placed. Good job!


Raven-Guard responds:

Thanks man. Glad you liked the song and the balance between the two genres :D.

Thanks for the review, you rock xD.


The sound quality is amazing, and the song is very calm and good to listen! Really good!!

MoonlitRaven responds:

thats what I was going for so thanks


I found very impressive, when the song starts like a music for a medieval place and then turns into a techno song. And the mix of songs was fantastic. And the techno music at the shows as if things were happening very fast during the scenes and in the end, some sensational, revealing a final and epic. Excellent work, very well done, the quality of music is perfect, do not worry about the height of the volume. And this deserves a great & good 5 stars. Great!!

Step responds:

Thanks man! Yeah I tried to make it that it starts medieval and turns into techno. Glad you liked the quality, the mix, the everything :D. The height of the volume is a bit better since I turned it down a bit, but I have to make sure I turn it down properly and make the volume levels better in the final version.

Thanks again for the review!

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