
31 Movie Reviews

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I love the song and the animation is really cool. I like when the grape clock foot step the camera and show the clocks with a wire in their foot. Nice job! Keep up the great work!

CorpseGrinderClock responds:

I was really surprised that the grapesclock stepping part turned out looking as good as it did, I used some really lazy animation to make it happen but it just worked really well. Thanks for the kind review!


lol I laughed hard from the bomb missile! That was the most creative!! Nice job! :D


The effects were pretty much well done! The animation is really smooth and realistic, like as you can see in the scout's hair, the wind moving the hair, loved it. The menu also had a really nice background, oh not forgetting the awesome gallery. The rain and sounds were perfect, I found a bit of the rain sound weird, it looks like crystals or glass falling not a rain but the thunder was nice. Overall, awesome!

funkycaveman responds:

It seems you liked almost everything! We thank you very much :) We have changed the rain and added some more details.


The animation is really random and funny. I liked how it have several scenes in only one random movie. The sounds are nice and the content too, oh and also nice concept. The colors scheme were also well added. My favorite part was the one which the guy starts to talk about the metro scene in cartoon.

funkycaveman responds:

Thanks for the feedback.

Goods and bads!

This was a really nice collab, with all the animations/shorts/parts inside it, some of them were pretty good looking really professional, others were more average, while a little of them looks a bit poor.

So the best I think I need to do here is give a commentary for each of the participants of your collab, describing their efforts and giving to it is wrong (if have it).

Also, before I start, I really liked your menu design, with these kind of "sketches" in the background, I also liked the digital buttons you did, when you roll over, it will have a white masked color going through. The author bios were informative, but too short and with little information, this is just like a rogue gallery, not a Biography. The music for the intro and credits were good too, but the smoke effects were glowing A LOT, this give a diffculty to read the texts and also this cammo with the white color, maybe try to do the glows gray or something. Would be cool if you have added a scene gallery/section/selection, for example, if someone really liked someone part, he don't will like to wait everything till the wanted part.

Now officially going to judgement from each scene:
EDGe0wnz -- it was nice with interesting action, I liked how he shoots (I think in a bird). 3~4/5
ZaracaM -- good action in this part, the chaingun fire was pretty good and the enemies coming too, just was a little "stupid" when he looks at the mouse and fall in the ground and say LOL. 3/5
Stemage -- I liked when the gray guys enter the room and the black ones do like a barricade behind the table, was with a lot of action and shooting in this one, turned this animation part pretty good, nice job! 4/5
xCooldude30x -- The blood FX was good, but I think the enemies could act a little fast, they just look to the clown and do as they don't care for his appearence. 3/5
Vogxhamraks -- The graphics and movements were pretty good animated, but I think your parts were slow and a little "repetitive", like in both, Hank looks to a side, fire, and turns to other and shoot. 3/5
Thingthingdude200 -- I liked how you introduced physics and realism in your animation where the bulletholes were nicely done in the guy face and the movements. 4/5
XXblinx -- Good action and nice movements. 3/5
ZaracaM(2) -- The movements were pretty good, was just weird that guy who jumped from nowhere. 3/5
Thingthingdude(2) -- Not so good as the first one, everything seems to be too slow. Was funny when he spit blood hehe. 3/5
xRoadkillx -- one of the more BEST here, physics from the characters, movements, guns, shootings, blood FX everything AMAZING. 5/5
DIMB -- the movements were nice, the shooting too, I also liked that everything happend fast, turning this with more quality. 4/5
EDG(2) -- everything working fast and nice movements and actions, nice! 4/5
Thingthingdude(3) -- Poor, just some seconds of nothing so cool. 1/5
Wyvernhunt -- The sniper costume is awesome, and the shot FX and physics were pretty good. 4/5
Vog(2) -- check first one 2/5
EDG(3) -- good action, running fast and good dynamics. 4~5/5
DIMB(2) -- The bg, lights, FX, alpha, everything AWESOME, the best from all. 5/5
STEMAGE -- Action, running fast, good quality, good fireshots, everything nice. 4~5/5

For the end, where have the flashing lights and some letters through, you could have added beneath the REPLAY button, a BACK TO MENU button, because for who leaved the credits and extras to the end, would like to see there, so add this simple and effort feature.

3.90 / 5.00 (+ 0.0022)
"Goods and bads!"

~Review Request Club~

vogxhamraks responds:

oh thanx anyways the second will be much better this is shit

Really annoying!

With all respect, this was pretty ridiculous, also annoying as you titled this submission. You could have done some better graphics and what you REALLY need to do, is match the voicetrack with the lip synchronization movement because the voice comes before the animation, also you could have done some kind of a bigger story in this piece, this is just 20 seconds, I think your objective was to create like a comedy short, as this is clearly found in this movie genre, but seriously, this didn't had something funny, and I didn't understand what was to laugh here.

If you're not using the correct framerate, try to set this for 25 frames per second or 30 frames per second, these ones will turn it realistic.

Nothing so much to say here.
Vote 0
1.76 / 5.00 (- 0.018)
Score: 3/10
"Really annoying!"

Try something better next time mate.

~Review Request Club~

up-a-notch responds:

thank you...

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